Buying Guide

Purchasing a treadmill can be one of the most wise health decisions you to make. We suggest treadmills more than any other piece of exercise tools for home. Treadmill is easy to use, functional, and when used correctly, offer an ideal method to manage weight and strengthen, burn calories, and improve your heart function.


Let’s know how to buy a treadmill that will keep you aggravated and offer good value. This free treadmill buying guide helps you choose right product from thousand of treadmills.


Before Buying a Treadmill

We suggest you to try out a treadmill in person. Here are the points to look for:


  • Is the display monitor easy to read?
  • Are the controls easy to reach and operate?
  • Does the cushioning and shock absorption of the running deck feel comfortable?
  • Can you easily straddle the deck when standing on the side rails?
  • When you walk or run, do your feet hit the motor housing?
  • Before buying a treadmill it is very important to check for the warranty. Look for three to seven years of coverage on parts, and at least one year on labor. Most treadmills have a lifetime warranty on the frame, and you should get that for the motor as well.
  • And what about returns? Confirm the store’s return policy.


Shopping for Your Treadmill

  1. Setup your objective

The aims of other prospective exercisers in your home before you start your search. Most families will have several people that will likely be using the exercise tools. For instance, “under buying” or buying a low quality treadmill that will be used by both a 130lb. and a 180lb. person is a mistake that commonly occurs.


  1. Test the Treadmill. 

If you choose to purchase online, try to find a method to test the tools through a friend, gym, spa or hotel. The best companies like Walmart often sell reliable products, so you can get a feel for their equipment somewhere else. But we are offering you the best quality treadmill you can get which are selected by us from thousands of treadmill.


  1. Choose your treadmill size & workout space.

How much space can you recommend a treadmill? To save time before shopping, calculate your existing floor space. Also calculate any intended storage area if you’re considering a folding treadmill. Because treadmill sizes are usually in print, knowing this information can make you a more proficient purchaser. Take into account that the required running space can also impact the overall track of the treadmill. We advise a 22″ wide belt for runners and 20″ for walkers, however 20″ is satisfactory for runners.



Programming and Motivation

Most treadmills have extraordinary properties. All features aren’t necessary for cardio training but they can improve the exercise experience. Examples are iPod-compatible speakers, preset workout programs; web browsers and TVs. Figure out which properties will help you achieve fitness goals? Which will go idle? Being honest about your needs for management and diversion during training is an important part of figuring out how to buy a treadmill that fulfills your need.

Here are some of the most useful “special” properties that some treadmill shoppers seek:


  • Automated Incline— Treadmills with inclines make work out more enjoyable by varying your treadmill journey. They make treadmill exercise easier on your joints, allow faster calorie burn and support better muscle definition and improve cardiovascular system.

Most home treadmills today have maximum inclines of 10 percent, 15 percent and 20 percent. Incline trainer treadmills have maximum inclines of 40%. These let you burn calories at a quicker rate by simply walking.


  • Workout Programs— Most of home treadmills offer built-in workout programs that control their speed and incline. Some treadmill workout menu are short and it includes dozens of routines.


Beyond these preloaded options, special workout technology is an optional add-on with definite treadmill brands. Here are two choices you might want to pursue.

  • iFit can be delivered through your home’s wireless Internet connection. With a monthly iFit membership you can download unlimited modified workouts. Here also available are hundreds of video workouts. Most exciting in our review is the iFit Google Maps app. It lets you draw any route in Google Maps and virtually experience it with your treadmill! Besides watching the Google Street View stream by, you’ll experience the rise and fall of territory as the treadmill incline/decline respond to the programming.
  • Passport Virtual Active workout programs are interactive videos. A Passport player can work with your home TV to submerge you in scenic settings with ambient sound. As your workout speed changes, the video and audio will adjust! Passport is compatible with most treadmills.
  • Wireless Pulse Monitors — just right heart rate data can help you exercise more effectively. Wireless heart rate monitors offer the most correctness. Some treadmills with wireless monitors offer heart rate control and their preset exercises programs will regulate to help you stay in your right heart rate sector.
  • Some other special features to consider are cushioning, workout fans, water bottle holders, device holders, touch screens, high definition TV, and web browsers.

  • Ease ofUse Many clients are anxious or simply irritated with the amount of features and buttons on a treadmill in the world of personal training. It becomes another blockage to regular exercise. The best treadmills keep it simple. Big red buttons mean stop and big green buttons mean go. Emergency stops should be well labeled and it should take only 2 to 3 “button pushes” to begin a program. Basically, look for a treadmill that will do the thinking for you.


Safety and Maintenance

It is very effective and simple to run and walk on an electronic piece of instrument like treadmill. It can also be unsafe and loaded with quality issues if you don’t choose wisely. Here’s what to look for:


Safety features. Look for essentials like a safety key and belt speed that starts and stops in little, steady increments. Make sure the treadmill has handrails or console grips that are relaxed without being unmistakable.


Maintenance:  Look for a treadmill that is maintenance-free. Although some basic care is sensible, you should not have to waste time lubricating and servicing your treadmill after every exercise. A well-designed unit takes normal wear and tear into account so you don’t have to and helps save you time and hassle. When normal wear takes its course on the running surface look for a deck that is reversible – that mean you can have the deck flipped. A reversible deck fundamentally doubles the life of your treadmill surface.